What challenges will the Group have to face in the years ahead?
H. C. From my perspective, constantly reducing the environmental impact of our industries is a priority.
We are already using the best technologies available, and are monitoring developments to identify those
that will need to be developed further in the years ahead. We can succeed in this unavoidable challenge,
and we welcome the opportunity to do so with determination, because it gives us the opportunity
to involve all stakeholders in applying a demanding level of environmental performance.
How do you see the link between f inancial and non-f inancial performance?
H. C. We see the growth of our Group as integral to its overall performance, which in turn means
that we support local employment, talent development and the positive impact we want to have on
agriculture. Our family shareholding structure allows us to assert this vision of positive-impact sustainable
development, in which non-f inancial factors are inseparable from the purpose of our business.
H. C. CSR gives us a channel through which to respond to the concerns of upcoming generations.
In addition to being a source of pride for our employees, it also gives real meaning to the work they do.
How does CSR contribute to sustainable and shared value creation?
J. B. Where CSR adds most value is by stimulating new approaches that will quickly become essential
to our ability to bring forward improvement pathways we can offer our stakeholders. The f irst cornerstone
of our strategy is an excellent illustration of this: by focusing on the sustainability of our product ranges,
we are aiming to develop technologies that will help our customers reduce their own environmental
impact. This is particularly true in agriculture, a sector that is a signif icant emitter of greenhouse gases.
However, our products and solutions can help reduce those emissions and promote adaptation to the
effects of climate change.
J. B.
The key challenge lies in mobilising our value chain. In today’s highly competitive global trading
environment, where the constraints faced by our suppliers outside Europe can be very different from our
own, we have a role to play in sharing our respect for the living world and the demanding requirements
that go with it. The challenge also involves helping and supporting agriculture as it transitions to more
sustainable practices. It is important that we are there for them by providing new agronomy-based
approaches and more eff icient, eco-friendly technologies. Innovation has always been central to our
strategy, but if we are to meet these future challenges, then we must focus on it more strongly than ever.
“CSR gives us a
channel through which
to respond to the
concerns of upcoming
generations. In addition
to being a source of
pride for our employees,
it also gives real
meaning to the work
they do.”
Hélène Cappe,
Managing Director
and family shareholder
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 5