2023 was a pivotal year for
sustainable mobility
Electric and hybrid vehicles now account Electric and hybrid vehicles now account
for 58% of the options offered in the French for 58% of the options offered in the French
company car list. It’s an option that’s company car list. It’s an option that’s
attracting increasing levels of interest, with attracting increasing levels of interest, with
more than twenty such vehicles already on more than twenty such vehicles already on
the road. It also coincides with the rollout the road. It also coincides with the rollout
of battery charging terminals, which began of battery charging terminals, which began
in Dinard, but has since been followed by in Dinard, but has since been followed by
installation of 10 more terminals at head installation of 10 more terminals at head
off ice in Saint-Malo. In 2023, we also took off ice in Saint-Malo. In 2023, we also took
the opportunity of European Mobility the opportunity of European Mobility
Week to provide 55 employees with bike Week to provide 55 employees with bike
maintenance workshops.maintenance workshops.
Lever 4
Phosphea leads the way in energy
Thanks to the LOOP (Let’s Optimize our Thanks to the LOOP (Let’s Optimize our
Operational Performance) energy eff iciency Operational Performance) energy eff iciency
project, three Phosphea sites (Saint-Malo in project, three Phosphea sites (Saint-Malo in
France, Prahovo in Serbia and Cartagena in France, Prahovo in Serbia and Cartagena in
Spain) reduced their energy consumption Spain) reduced their energy consumption
by 3,500 MWh and their CO by 3,500 MWh and their CO
2 2
emissions emissions
by almost 800 tonnes in 2023. New heat by almost 800 tonnes in 2023. New heat
recovery systems have been installed to recovery systems have been installed to
reduce energy losses in Saint-Malo and reduce energy losses in Saint-Malo and
Prahovo. At Cartagena, energy management Prahovo. At Cartagena, energy management
system optimisation and the installation of system optimisation and the installation of
insulation for the dryer have combined to insulation for the dryer have combined to
improve consumption monitoring and reduce improve consumption monitoring and reduce
energy losses. Together, these two actions energy losses. Together, these two actions
reduced the Spanish site’s gas consumption reduced the Spanish site’s gas consumption
by 10% in 2023.by 10% in 2023.
“We’ve successfully
reduced the thermal energy
consumption of the granulation
unit dryer”
“At Rio Grande (TIMAC AGRO Brasil),
the dryer accounts for 73% of all the
thermal energy used by the unit to
reduce pellet moisture content. Which
is why it’s so important to analyse
all the parameters inf luencing that
level of consumption. The in-house
AIM (Agile Industrial Management)
accelerated management training
programme gave me the opportunity
of surrounding myself with specialists
and learning from the experiences
of fellow participants. The shared
expertise gained as a result highlighted
a number of areas for improvement,
including insulating the dryer to reduce
energy losses and CO
and adopting new routines to control
the temperature of the gases inside
the dryer more accurately. We set
ourselves the target of reducing
consumption from 130 to 126 kWh per
tonne, but we actually managed to do
even better than that with an end result
of 121 kWh of tonne.”
Caroline Rombaldi, Production
Manager at TIMAC AGRO Brasil.
Lever 3
A hybrid cargo ship halves
This is nothing less than a major f irst! In This is nothing less than a major f irst! In
December 2023, a cargo shipped by TIMAC December 2023, a cargo shipped by TIMAC
AGRO was delivered to Saint-Malo on board AGRO was delivered to Saint-Malo on board
a hybrid-powered bulk carrier called the Misje a hybrid-powered bulk carrier called the Misje
Viola. This all-new vessel uses a technology Viola. This all-new vessel uses a technology
that maintains its EEDI (Energy Eff iciency that maintains its EEDI (Energy Eff iciency
Design Index) below 12 gCO Design Index) below 12 gCO
2 2
/tnm - a /tnm - a
remarkable achievement. It also complies fully remarkable achievement. It also complies fully
with strict emissions reduction and marine with strict emissions reduction and marine
pollution prevention standards. Propulsion pollution prevention standards. Propulsion
is powered by a 1 MW battery, enabling the is powered by a 1 MW battery, enabling the
vessel to dock and leave its home port with vessel to dock and leave its home port with
zero CO zero CO
2 2
emissions. The carbon footprint of emissions. The carbon footprint of
cargo carried by the Misje Viola is 47% lower cargo carried by the Misje Viola is 47% lower
than that for a conventional bulk carrier of than that for a conventional bulk carrier of
equivalent tonnage.equivalent tonnage.
A recycled refractory material set
to conquer the steel industry
The ECO product range developed by
Magnesitas Navarras reuses a refractory
material that was previously used only once
by steelworks. The great advantage of this
new solution is that it reduces the use of
virgin raw materials, resulting in less waste
and lower CO
emissions as a result of the
manufacturing process. Since its launch in
2020, ECO products have been adopted by
a large number of steelmakers, more than
doubling the amount of recycled material
purchased from waste sorting specialists.
Magna now intends to transpose this model
to all its current and future ranges.
Scope 3
Lever 5
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 22