The Paris Agreement of 2015 set the
crucial target of limiting global warming
to below 1.5°C. Achieving that target by
2050 means reducing greenhouse gas
emissions to ‘net zero’.
The incentive measures adopted by
the 195 signatory countries actively
encourage the transition to a sustainable
economy. Responsible for 19% of global
emissions (14% in Europe, according to
the International Energy Agency), industry
and construction have a vital role to play
in delivering this transition. More and
more companies are now developing
carbon footprint reduction strategies
focused on their energy mix, energy
eff iciency, performance, CCUS and carbon
. All these levers can be actioned
sequentially or simultaneously, depending
on the capabilities and resources of
individual companies�
of industrial
focusing on
4 key levers
for change
Key principles
Energy eff iciency
The challenge: eliminating and/or adapting some energy eliminating and/or adapting some energy
uses to reduce demand�uses to reduce demand�
The solutions: ensuring accurate sizing of energy-consuming ensuring accurate sizing of energy-consuming
equipment, optimising lighting and heating/cooling plant equipment, optimising lighting and heating/cooling plant
intensity and usage, and pooling industrial production intensity and usage, and pooling industrial production
The benef its for the
energy energy
budget savings, budget savings,
and integrating the and integrating the
concept and principle concept and principle
of responsible resource of responsible resource
management into management into
everyday working everyday working
practices and practices and
A greener energy mix
The challenge: reducing the dependence of industry on reducing the dependence of industry on
carbon-based energy sources by replacing them with carbon-based energy sources by replacing them with
renewable or low environmental impact alternatives. renewable or low environmental impact alternatives.
The solutions: installing photovoltaic panels and/or wind installing photovoltaic panels and/or wind
turbines, using biogas and installing cogeneration systems turbines, using biogas and installing cogeneration systems
to generate electricity from to generate electricity from
industrial process heat.industrial process heat.
The benef its for the
energy resilience energy resilience
and a more effective and a more effective
guarantee of operational guarantee of operational
continuity against a continuity against a
background of fossil fuel background of fossil fuel
supply tensions�supply tensions�
Greater energy eff iciency
The challenge:
reducing production site energy consumption, reducing production site energy consumption,
at the same time as maintaining or even improving production at the same time as maintaining or even improving production
and/or service levels.and/or service levels.
The solutions:
conducting an energy audit, optimising conducting an energy audit, optimising
the energy consumption of industrial production processes, the energy consumption of industrial production processes,
and continuously and continuously
monitoring losses and monitoring losses and
variances so that they can variances so that they can
be corrected corrected quickly.
The benef its for the
energy budget energy budget
savings, a rapid return on savings, a rapid return on
investment, no change to investment, no change to
production processes and production processes and
improved compliance with improved compliance with
regulatory changes.regulatory changes.
CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage)
The challenge:
reducing residual emissions from activities reducing residual emissions from activities
for which no low-carbon alternative is likely to be available in for which no low-carbon alternative is likely to be available in
the medium term, and particularly process-related emissions the medium term, and particularly process-related emissions
(cement, lime, chemicals, steelmaking, magnesia, etc.).(cement, lime, chemicals, steelmaking, magnesia, etc.).
The solutions:
capturing the CO capturing the CO
2 2
emitted by industrial emitted by industrial
facilities and taking it facilities and taking it
off-site for underground off-site for underground
storage (removing storage (removing
it permanently from it permanently from
contact with the contact with the
atmosphere) or using atmosphere) or using
it as a resource to it as a resource to
manufacture products manufacture products
such as biofuels.such as biofuels.
Fossil fuels still account
for more than
of the world’s energy mix.
Source: International Energy Source: International Energy
CCUS could account for
10 to15%
of global ef forts to
achieve carbon neutrality.
Source: International Energy Agency.Source: International Energy Agency.
less energy is used
when the temperature
inside a building
is lowered by just 1°C.
Source: Ademe (The French Source: Ademe (The French
Agency for Ecological Transition).Agency for Ecological Transition).
of the decarbonisation
target set by the
Paris Agreement
can be achieved by
implementing energy
ef f iciency measures.
Source: Metron.Source: Metron.
1. These 4 levers have been identif ied by French energy eff iciency
and business performance optimisation consultants Metron�
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 19