FOR 2022
FOR 2023
FOR 2025
Safe, healthy products
and services
Effective quality management
of our products and services
Number of product recalls NR 209
Product-related environmental
Measuring and controlling
environmental impacts throughout
the value chain (sourcing and use)
Percentage of eggs sourced from cage-free hens (Pâtisseries Gourmandes)ND 38%100%
Percentage of French-produced TOP 5 ingredients (eggs. f lour. sugar. butter and oil) used ND 86%> 80%
Percentage of products with a 100% recyclable kraft bag ND 75%100%
Year-on-year trend in the volume of recycled raw materials used in the manufacture of refractory
ND+ 35%
+ 10% vs
Recycled refractory raw material as a percentage of total production (Magna) ND 1.63%
Percentage of (Phosphea) total animal nutrition sales represented by ‘committed’* products ND 9.21%10%
Percentage of the (Phosphea) animal nutrition range represented by committed products ND 50%50%
Proportion of recycled raw materials incorporated by the Packaging Division ND 2.60%25%
Percentage of recycled raw materials used by the regranulation line ND 75%100%
Lower GHG emissions
Water management
Controlling the energy and water
consumption of our production
Renewables as a percentage of our energy mix 33%34%
Energy consumption (in kWh) per tonne produced 298 271
Water abstraction (in m
) per tonne produced 0.45 0.45
Recycled water as a percentage of production process water 52%54%
Lower GHG emissions
Pollution and ecosystem impact
Preventing and recovering waste
and waste materials (including non-
energy-related GHG emissions)
emissions (tCO
e) per tonne produced (Scopes 1 & 2)0.136 0.136 0.11 (2040)
emissions (tCO
e) from freight operations (Scope 3)NR 332,422
Recycled waste as a percentage of total non-hazardous industrial waste 47%35%
Occupational Health & Safety
Ensuring the health and safety
of our employees
and subcontractors
Average Group DAP (Personal Injury) benchmark score 76/100 72/100 81/100
Frequency rate 9.37 6.70 5
Severity rate 0.39 0.38
Talent management and training
Attracting employees and
supporting them through
their professional development
Percentage of employees at 31/12 having completed at least one training course during the year 67%70%75%
Average number of training hours per employee 22 23
Percentage of subsidiaries implementing an in-house training programme NR 93%100%
Voluntary departure (resignation) rate 18%17%
Diversity, inclusion and fairness
Ensuring equal opportunities
Women as a percentage of the Group workforce 28%28%
Women as a percentage of all managers 23%25%
Group-wide average rating under the French Gender Equality Index 88/100 87/100
Implementing business ethics.
anti-corruption. professional conduct
and transparency good practices
Number of users trained to use the Roullier Compliance Platform (RCP)940 1,255
Proportion of subsidiary companies using the RCP 75%83%
Stakeholder dialogue
and regional identity
Listening to the expectations of our
stakeholders and operating regions
Number of non-prof it organisations supported 158 312
Number of solidarity or eco-responsibility operations organised 46 58
Percentage of subsidiary companies supporting at least one social. cultural or sporting entity 33%62%100%
Commitment 1 Commitment 3 Commitment 2 Commitment 5 Commitment 4
Correlation table
*Committed product criteria: contribution to animal welfare, feed eff iciency and environmental emissions reduction.
Classif ication based on scientif ic trials, f ield tests and existing literature.
35 Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023