Doing so limits our exposure to challenges
around the kind of raw material supply and price
issues highlighted by the conf lict in Ukraine, and
works towards ensuring our agricultural and food
What is the Group’s position on animal welfare?
T. G. Our goal is to use every resource we can to
contribute to keeping animals healthy.
One example of the ways
in which we do that is by
providing basic inputs
with the potential to
improve their digestion
of f ibre and protein. As
with plant nutrition, we
advocate an holistic
approach that addresses
all the issues involved in
order to take preventive
action, rather than
remedial action after the event. Examples of this approach
include our development of solutions which optimise the
comfort of animal bedding, or which target the bacteria
responsible for diseases like mastitis and dermatitis�
What other lines of R&D are your teams working on
at the moment?
T. G.
In terms of plant-related products, we’re
working on two projects. The f irst involves reducing
the N
0 (nitrous oxide) emissions that account for more
than half of all the greenhouse gas emissions produced
by the agricultural industry. Our future product will
combine no fewer than three patented technologies.
The second is studying the feasibility of recovering the
phosphorus sequestered in soils in order to improve
their microbiological life. In animal nutrition, we’re
running trials of a nitrogen-based product that we
expect will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
cattle farming by around 30%, at the same time as
boosting nutrient assimilation.
Thomas Georgelin is Managing Director of
the Roullier World Innovation Centre (CMI),
which develops technology-driven solutions
that optimise the agronomic, economic and
environmental performance of crops and
livestock. Interview.
The range of Groupe Roullier plant nutrition and
animal productions is f irmly focused on the quest
for eff iciency. Why is that?
T. G.
Our solutions are designed to give farmers
the assurance of achieving optimum yields with
reduced environmental impact. This means delivering
consistently high product quality and adjusting the
quantities used to ensure the best-possible return on
investment. Nutritional eff iciency is absolutely central
to achieving this ambition. In terms of our products,
this means using agronomic additives to improve
nutrient absorption and transformation by the target
plant or animal, thereby reducing losses to the soil,
water and air, at the same time as curbing any loss of
Our TopPhos range of fertilisers is an excellent
illustration of this principle in action. It ensures that
75% of the phosphorus units applied to f ields directly
benef it plant metabolism. The corresponding rate for
phosphorus commodity products is just 32%
How does this positioning address today’s market
expectations and context?
T. G.
The f irst thing to say is
that the goal of reducing inputs
by improving nutrient eff iciency,
and therefore yields, accords
with the ambition of the Green
Deal: transitioning the European
agricultural model.
The second point is that our
technology-driven soil improvers
and fertilisers and ranges of
biostimulants deliver additional benef its in terms of
promoting the sustainable and rational management
of mineral resources�
“Focusing simultaneously
on people, the environment
and the economy, our work
is central to the challenges
of sustainable development.”
Solutions to
the agricultural
of today and
“CMI Roullier is working to
support regeneration across
the world of agriculture
through its commitment to
strengthening the natural
functions specif ic to soils,
plants and animals.”
1. C. Giovannini
et al�
, 2012; Bologna university and CIPAV.
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 14