Derval car park lighting transitions
to photovoltaic (France)
A few months ago, the car park at our Derval A few months ago, the car park at our Derval
site changed its appearance. So what was site changed its appearance. So what was
new? Self-powered photovoltaic lighting new? Self-powered photovoltaic lighting
masts. 100% solar powered, they provide masts. 100% solar powered, they provide
as much light as their mains-powered as much light as their mains-powered
predecessors, but with no risk of power predecessors, but with no risk of power
cuts. They are distinctive for their ease of cuts. They are distinctive for their ease of
installation, reliability (even in the most installation, reliability (even in the most
extreme winds and temperatures) and extreme winds and temperatures) and
cost effectiveness (no running costs and cost effectiveness (no running costs and
no maintenance required for 10 years of no maintenance required for 10 years of
Lever 2
Electric and hybrid ovens: a
new purchasing strategy for
food processing
In 2023, our food entities conducted In 2023, our food entities conducted
a wide-ranging review of their baking a wide-ranging review of their baking
equipment. As a result, Pâtisseries equipment. As a result, Pâtisseries
Gourmandes installed a 100% electric Gourmandes installed a 100% electric
oven at its Saint-Tugdual site, and a oven at its Saint-Tugdual site, and a
hybrid (1/3 electricity, 2/3 gas) oven hybrid (1/3 electricity, 2/3 gas) oven
at its Tourc’h site, while Maison Colibri at its Tourc’h site, while Maison Colibri
in Pons installed a new technology in Pons installed a new technology
with a 2/3 electricity, 1/3 gas mix. with a 2/3 electricity, 1/3 gas mix.
Eventually, feedback from all three Eventually, feedback from all three
installations will be shared to assess installations will be shared to assess
any operational differences between any operational differences between
these technologies. All the new ovens these technologies. All the new ovens
are very easy to operate, and resulted are very easy to operate, and resulted
in CO in CO
2 2
emissions reductions of around emissions reductions of around
100 tonnes in 2023. Naturally, product 100 tonnes in 2023. Naturally, product
quality remains as high as ever!quality remains as high as ever!
Lever 1
A guaranteed supply
of renewable electricity
for 15 years
The 2023 signature of our f irst Group-The 2023 signature of our f irst Group-
wide PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) wide PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)
with partner Urbasolar gives us with partner Urbasolar gives us
a guaranteed and stable supply of a guaranteed and stable supply of
energy from renewable sources over energy from renewable sources over
the next 15 years. Two photovoltaic the next 15 years. Two photovoltaic
power plants covering a total of power plants covering a total of
12 hectares will be available for our 12 hectares will be available for our
exclusive use, and should provide exclusive use, and should provide
10% of our total electricity 10% of our total electricity
consumption in France.consumption in France.
As well as offering the opportunity As well as offering the opportunity
to diversify our energy purchases to diversify our energy purchases
from 2024 onwards, this project also from 2024 onwards, this project also
contributes to the long-term greening contributes to the long-term greening
of our power supply structure.of our power supply structure.
Boiler upgrading at the
TIMAC AGRO France site at Tarnos
TIMAC AGRO continues its programme
of boiler upgrades. After Brazil and Spain,
it was the turn of the Tarnos site in France
to benef it from uprated and updated
equipment. Weiss, the Group biomass
boiler specialist, installed a number of new
technologies that stabilise combustion
and provide greater control over the
process. Since then, the Quai Intérieur
site in Saint-Malo has used this project as
the blueprint for its own boiler conversion
On-site consumption of solar
power takes energy resilience
to a new level in Ireland
Owned by TIMAC AGRO’s Irish subsidiary Owned by TIMAC AGRO’s Irish subsidiary
Grassland Agro, the Limerick (Ireland) site Grassland Agro, the Limerick (Ireland) site
has been committed to a programme of has been committed to a programme of
energy savings for several years now. The energy savings for several years now. The
introduction of LED lamps and motion introduction of LED lamps and motion
sensors for the production plant lighting sensors for the production plant lighting
system was followed in 2023 with the system was followed in 2023 with the
installation of roof-mounted solar panels. installation of roof-mounted solar panels.
These now generate 40% of all the These now generate 40% of all the
electricity consumed by the site.electricity consumed by the site.
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 21