Accident risk
prevention: the heart
of our health and
safety approach
As with any human activity, the industrial environment has its own
personal, environmental and property risk signature. Fully aware
of this challenge, every part of our Group is committed to accident
risk prevention policies and practices that are regularly optimised
to give all employees the reassurance that their working conditions
meet the highest levels of health and safety.
A deeply-rooted culture
At Groupe Roullier, health and
safety is a lot more than simply an
issue of regulatory compliance.
We see it as a powerful lever for
improving working conditions and
exercising effective control over
non-f inancial risks. Revised in 2022
and supported by the Chairman
of the Management Board, our
policy is built around three central
• Scrupulous application of the
rules with leadership by example
• Availability to work on projects
that anticipate the need for risk
• Discussion around experience
sharing, frontline feedback and
The nature of the Group business
model requires individual
subsidiaries to interpret and apply
the fundamentals of this policy
within their own businesses,
adapting it to their specif ic needs
and maturity�
Encouraging everyone to take
ownership of safety
The Group health and safety risk
prevention policy is built around
proactive attitudes� Its ultimate
ambition is to ensure that these
attitudes are taken up right across
the Group, from manufacturing and
sales to administration, and applied
on a daily basis by all employees�
To facilitate this dynamic process,
an Accident Risk Prevention team
within the Risk Management
Department provides coordination,
advice and leadership for a network
of around f ifty subsidiary company
accident prevention off icers tasked
with ensuring team involvement in
achieving safety targets.
This team encourages experience
sharing, and supports accident risk
prevention off icers with technical
consultations, project pre-launch
consultations, and issues of cross-
functional management, compliance
and/or crisis management.
The ultimate aim here is to ensure
Lever 1
“We hold regular
meetings to
maximise interactive
between our
department and the
accident risk prevention
of f icers. In 2024, we
want to step up the
distribution of reference
sheets and best
practices, and increase
the two-way f low of
information between
accident risk prevention
of f icers by encouraging
them to meet at the very
least quarterly.”
that health and safety standards
and expectations of the Group are
fully and seamlessly integral to all
Internal benchmarks for early
The management and mitigation
of risks that threaten personal,
environmental and property safety
are based on a coordinated and
monitored internal benchmarking
system. These benchmarks are
effective and powerful drivers of
Group health and safety policy. All
are scheduled to be updated in
2024 to encourage and incentivise
every subsidiary company and site
to elevate their commitment to a
new level. Among the new features
expected to be introduced is the
concept of ‘accidents with potentially
high levels of severity’. This def inition
applies to events which, on the basis
that they have not caused
a particularly severe impact, may
not be analysed in suff icient detail to
successfully address the root causes,
thereby risking a recurrence with a
much more serious outcome. The
changes now being planned will open
the door for new measures to be
introduced in order to avoid this risk.
Average Group DAP
(Personal Injury) benchmark score
Occupational accident
frequency rate (TF1)
Occupational accident
severity rate
2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023
9.40 0.45
Target for 2025: 81/100
average internal personal injury
benchmark score for manufacturing
“All our subsidiaries and
sites have the resources
they need to meet the
expectations set out in
our updated benchmark
standards. Many of the
adjustments to be made
will be organisational
and behavioural. By
further improving network
leadership, we expect that
all entities will be able to
achieve their targets.”
Julie Lecler,
Prevention - Risk
Management Deputy
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 28