Ef f icient, responsible
agronomic solutions
With its broad range of products capable
of responding effectively to the agronomic
challenges of today and tomorrow,
TIMAC AGRO is making a valuable
contribution to higher agricultural production
through the unique combination of high
quality and respect for the environment.
Throughout our long history, we have
engaged in a continual process of innovation
that takes an open-minded attitude to the
outside world and connects with the many
needs and challenges faced by farmers.
Biostimulation: a key step in crop management
As the world’s population continues to grow amidst the
challenges of climate change and consumer expectations,
farmers are having to adapt their practices on an almost
daily basis as they try to optimise yields, the same time
as protecting the environment. Through its 39 subsidiary
companies, TIMAC AGRO supports its customers with
tailormade nutrition programmes structured around solutions
that combine agronomic, economic and environmental
performance. Extracted from plants, seaweed, mineral
derivatives and micro-organisms, these activator adjuvants
are becoming increasingly essential allies for today’s farmers.
This is because they complement fertilisers in ways that
mitigate climate-related impacts and energise the metabolic
pathways of plants, improving the chances of healthy
crop yields and high quality right through to harvest,
even in climate stress scenarios�
Extensive expertise in natural active molecules
TIMAC AGRO launched the f irst biostimulants for
f ield crops in the 1980s, opening up a new market
developed out of its profound understanding of living
organisms and ability to translate this knowledge
into practical solutions� Informed and supported
by the Roullier World Innovation Centre (CMI) and
around 240 scientif ic partnerships worldwide, the
multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary expertise
focused on these issues have enabled us to identify
many compounds of physiological benef it to plants.
In parallel, TIMAC AGRO has developed its ability to
isolate, target and formulate these active molecules in
ways that reduce risk thanks to improved production
methods. Today, the company can generate targeted
effects in plants right down to the molecular level.
A solution for every climate and all agricultural
According to the UN FAO, agricultural production will
have to increase by 70% by 2050 if it is to feed the
world’s population. This outlook has encouraged TIMAC
AGRO to intensify its R&D efforts in collaboration with a
network of farmers and experts (agronomists, chemists,
and others) to gain a more detailed understanding of
real-world needs. New developments in biostimulants are
intended to improve production system performance,
at the same time as conserving water resources and
protecting microbial life, with solutions such as the DNA
concept launched in France in June 2021 after 7 years
of intensive research, and subsequently rolled out to
12 other countries. Hundreds of tests and demonstrations
of this concept have been held around the world, and a
new dedicated production line set up in France.
Combining biostimulants
in a new range
In the DNA concept, individual
letters index individual levers of
performance: D is for De-stress
(acting on plant physiology
to manage abiotic stresses
throughout the plant life cycle), N is
for Nutrition (stimulating the plant’s
capacity to absorb and transform
nutrients) and A is for Amelioration
(maximising the expression of
a plant’s genetic potential).
The 5 products in the range of
biostimulants now available in
the market share the common
characteristics of improving cell
division, leaf and root growth and
photosynthetic activity.
All of these improvements will have
a positive impact on crop yield,
quality and storage, as well as
helping to boost plant resilience
to the effects of climate change.
Lever 2
The animal welfare
commitment of TIMAC AGRO
in Spain is now off icially
certif icated
Already widely recognised for its
good animal welfare practices for
pigs and poultry, TIMAC AGRO
España has now had Prosanex 360,
its biosecurity product for cattle,
sheep and goats, checked by
Bureau Veritas. Prosanex 360
is distinctive for its ability to
dry, acidify, sanitise and f ix
ammonia in animal shelter spaces.
These properties help reduce
environmental impacts and a range
of pathologies, particularly for
mothers and young animals.
of our technology-driven
launches align fully with
maximising the eff iciency
of solutions that respond
effectively to the challenges
faced by farmers as they seek
to produce more and better
of all sales by
volume are
accounted for
by “committed”*
products, which
represent 50%
of the Phosphea
Animal Nutrition
product range
* Committed product criteria: contribution to animal welfare, feed eff iciency
and environmental emissions reduction. Classif ication based on scientif ic
trials, f ield tests and existing literature.
A major step forward in
purifying furnace exhaust
After eight years of research, After eight years of research,
Magnesitas Navarras has developed Magnesitas Navarras has developed
an innovative wet desulphurisation an innovative wet desulphurisation
process to treat the gases in process to treat the gases in
industrial fumes. The new process industrial fumes. The new process
delivers many benef its: a 70%+ delivers many benef its: a 70%+
reduction in sulphur oxide (SOx) reduction in sulphur oxide (SOx)
emissions, recovery of a by-emissions, recovery of a by-
product that can be used as a product that can be used as a
fertiliser, and the reuse of furnace fertiliser, and the reuse of furnace
heat to boost the energy eff iciency heat to boost the energy eff iciency
of the magnesium salt production of the magnesium salt production
process. This project, which process. This project, which
meets the most stringent emission meets the most stringent emission
requirements, has now set a new requirements, has now set a new
benchmark for European producers benchmark for European producers
of magnesium oxide.of magnesium oxide.
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 16