Magnesium do Brasil
focuses on improving risk
management through
leadership and coordination
Magnesium do Brasil has made the Magnesium do Brasil has made the
development of a workplace safety development of a workplace safety
culture one of its key priorities� culture one of its key priorities�
Using family photos to create Using family photos to create
banners displayed around the plant banners displayed around the plant
to remind employees that their to remind employees that their
loved ones are waiting at home loved ones are waiting at home
for their return, introducing hand for their return, introducing hand
protection awareness exercises, protection awareness exercises,
and encouraging people to report and encouraging people to report
any potential risks they see are just any potential risks they see are just
some of the initiatives that have some of the initiatives that have
already resulted in a very signif icant already resulted in a very signif icant
reduction in the number of lost-reduction in the number of lost-
time accidents�time accidents�
Managing risks at team level:
the vital need for continual
Promoting on-site safety is all about
facilitating discussion of accident risk
feedback, ensuring that recommendations
are brought to everyone’s attention,
encouraging employees to report high-risk
situations, and formalising risk prevention
initiatives. It also requires each Group site
to address its own specif ic risks through a
programme of continual safety awareness
information and training for teams.
Making safety a top priority
“The success of all our safety initiatives ultimately
depends on effective communication. It’s by explaining,
sharing and exchanging information that we protect
our teams most effectively”. This quote from Luciana
Miranda, Safety Coordinator at Magnesium do Brasil,
applies equally to all Group sites and activities. The My
EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) project at Phosphea
is an excellent example of how this principle is being
effectively implemented. Its primary ambition was to
get two sites to network interactively, and bring them
together to create a single community focused on
occupational health and environmental issues. Thanks to
a co-construction process involving not only HSE off icers,
but also all managers and employees, a common policy
and standards have been established and implemented,
resulting in the publication of practical and operational
guidelines during 2023. In parallel with this initiative, a
series of internal and external audits conducted at each
site to help teams gain a better understanding of what is
expected of them has facilitated the emergence of a true
culture of safety�
Programmes designed and rolled out specif ically
for each activity
The importance placed by the Group on dialogue,
experience sharing and the circulation of safety
best practices between sites is encouraging
and facilitating the rollout of overarching safety
programmes designed to meet the needs of each
activity. For example, TIMAC AGRO made safety its
strategic focus for 2023. During the year, the company
used historical accident data and the strengths
and areas for improvement identif ied at all sites as
the basis for setting out a safety roadmap for its
manufacturing activities. The roadmap addresses
four key priorities: managing logistics-related risks,
improving machine safety (with safety enclosures,
lock out/tag out systems, etc.), ensuring compliance
with Group accident risk prevention guidelines
and optimising crisis management procedures.
This roadmap is now an important component
of the wider TIMAC AGRO commitment to ensuring
maximum safety for all its employees worldwide.
Paying close attention to employee health
Over and above addressing workplace safety
issues, we are also fully committed to all aspects of
employee health and wellbeing. In 2023, Magnesium
do Brasil invited guest speakers into the company
to advise on road safety, healthy eating and mental
health. Importantly, presentations by nurses have
raised team awareness of just how important regular
medical checkups can be in early-stage detection
of health problems. At TIMAC AGRO Brasil, issues
including the health impacts of electronic waste and
how to minimise the risk of injury from venomous
animals were highlighted during ‘Accident Prevention
Week’ at the Candeias plant.
Safety is now a shared
culture at Pischelsdorf
The Pischeldorf site of TIMAC AGRO The Pischeldorf site of TIMAC AGRO
Österreich is keeping up the Österreich is keeping up the
pressure on improving team safety. pressure on improving team safety.
At the time the plant was acquired At the time the plant was acquired
in 2004, its protection systems in 2004, its protection systems
and internal process organisational and internal process organisational
structure needed to be brought structure needed to be brought
up to full compliance with up to full compliance with
TIMAC AGRO standards.TIMAC AGRO standards.
Over the intervening two Over the intervening two
decades, awareness-raising and decades, awareness-raising and
training have become important training have become important
levers for progress, supported levers for progress, supported
by a compliance monitoring by a compliance monitoring
procedure developed with the procedure developed with the
relevant Austrian authorities. Team relevant Austrian authorities. Team
members make their contribution members make their contribution
by reporting potentially hazardous by reporting potentially hazardous
Lever 2
29 Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023