A priority underlined
by the f igures
According to a study
conducted in May 2023
by Opinion Way for Indeed,
48% of recruiters are
considering developing
in-house training programmes
to alleviate the ongoing
problems around recruitment�
In 2022, a Harrys Interactive
survey highlighted the
importance of in-house
training for job applicants
- 79% of whom make it a
criterion for choosing a
company - and for current
employees - 77% of whom
see it as an essential criterion
for staying with a company.
This trend is clear from the increasing
prevalence of positioning - or self-
assessment - tests prior to the rollout
of a teaching programme for the
purpose of developing it on the basis
of strengths and weaknesses.
The importance of a system f it
for purpose
Structuring in-house training
programmes involves a number
of challenges, from human
resources management to f inancial
considerations (costs are lower than
external training) and compliance
with training-related regulations.
Some programmes, such as AFEST
on-the-job training initiatives, offer
many benef its, because they provide
a framework for informal personalised
learning, and are eligible for funding
from the OPCO (Skills Operator).
Similarly, certif ication-based learning
programmes offer employees
the opportunity of professional
recognition that improves their
Personalised, enjoyable
and immersive: in-house
training is what it’s all about
Whether the subject is promoting mobility, retaining talent or
recruiting new employees, in-house training is now a strategically
important tool and performance driver for companies. It’s also
a world of digitally driven transformations.
Key principles
In-house training is the most effective
way for companies to apply their
human and f inancial resources to
delivering training programmes and
modules that help employees acquire
new skills or aptitudes. This solution
offers many benef its, including the
long-term transmission of expertise,
the sharing of corporate culture
and closer networking between
employees. The current status of
the employment market is another
persuasive argument for in-house
training. Given the challenges of
attracting trained people to f ill
vacancies, some organisations
prefer the option of providing a full
programme of qualif ication-based
training tailored to their own needs.
In 2023, around f ifty companies in
France took up that option
� Talent
retention is another major challenge.
And here again, in-house training
can make a signif icant difference by
contributing to the professional and
personal development of trainees�
New topics, new formats
The increasing digitalisation of
learning resources and the desire
of companies to target their skills
needs with increasing accuracy are
driving a constantly evolving training
landscape. This new approach to
training applies equally to topics
and formats. As far as topics are
concerned, there is a strong trend
towards learning and perfecting soft
skills, i.e. those human qualities and
interpersonal skills that make it easier
for people to adapt to change. In
terms of formats, microlearning is
very much in favour. This method
delivers content to learners in
bite-sized (3-5 minutes) bursts with
a focused and specif ic learning
outcome, which can be useful for
early-stage learning of an action or
revision of a concept, or at a later
stage for f ixing new knowledge in
the memory. It is also one element
of the underlying trend towards a
more personalised form of training.
ongoing employability, at the same
time as allowing the company
to integrate training into its skills
development and management
“In-house training is
even more essential
in today’s world,
where there is a clear
disconnect between
the services of fered
by national training
providers and the needs
of manufacturing SMEs
like ours.”
Fabien Boivent,
Strategic Human
at Groupe Roullier
Le Figaro
– article “Ces entreprises qui créent leur centre de formation des apprentis”, (Companies that are creating
their own apprenticeship training centres) 25/10/2023.
Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023 24