Our methodology
The scope of the Non-Financial Performance
The scope of the 2023 Non-Financial Performance
Statement covers all Group entities with at least
one employee, which are either Proportionally or
Fully Consolidated and were actively trading on
31 December 2023. Dormant and/or non-actively
trading entities, entities liquidated, disposed of or
acquired in 2023, those with no employees and those
accounted for using the equity method have been
excluded. Due to the nature of its activities, the Group
has no involvement in setting up initiatives to promote
the link between France and its armed forces
or supporting engagement with reserve forces.
The scope of the indicators used
The number of Group and business line employees
includes the workforce on 31 December 2023,
excluding temporary staff and interns. All social
indicators are calculated on the basis of this scope.
The scope applied to calculating the accident
frequency and severity rates includes only
the employed workforce.
The new indicators for sustainable product ranges
do not apply to entities whose activity consists solely
of producing raw materials and intermediate
or semi-f inished products (
Compagnie Armoricaine
de Navigation
An in-house training programme is def ined as a
programme exclusively designed for Groupe Roullier
employees, and within which at least 60% of training
hours are led and delivered by employees. Its purpose
is to develop the skills of trainees and/or make them
experts in their careers with the Group. In-house
programmes provide at least 14 hours of training
delivered through a series of topic-specif ic sessions;
these programmes must be standardised (editorial
content/formalised document oversight), repeatable
and updatable. Programmes begun before 2023, but
which still had sessions to run in 2023, are included.
The proportion of recycled water used is based
on the total volume of water abstracted by the Group,
i.e. water from boreholes, mains water, recycled water
and water from other sources.
equivalent emissions are calculated for Scopes 1
and 2. Scope 2 covers only those emissions related to
electricity consumption�
These are calculated as location based emissions.
The percentage of electricity from renewable sources
refers to the proportion of total electricity consumed
accounted for by renewables (on-site generation and/
or green contracts/PPAs, excluding guarantees of
origin). The indicators for energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions per tonne produced are
calculated using data provided by manufacturing
subsidiaries, and exclude vehicle fuel consumption.
equivalent emissions from freight (Scope 3)
have been calculated for the 2022 f inancial year.
Data from Weiss, TIMAC AGRO Avrasya, TIMAC AGRO
Romania, TIMAC AGRO Chile and Setalg have been
excluded from the scope of this indicator, while those
for TIMAC AGRO subsidiaries in Spain, Portugal and
Morocco have been extrapolated from French data.
Internal logistics (all inter-site and inter-subsidiary
freight) have been included in the calculation.
The proportion of subsidiary companies supporting
at least one social, cultural or sports entity includes
only those entities with at least 10 employees.
The 2023 Non-Financial Performance Statement
has been audited by an independent third party:
the MAZARS global audit, accounting
and consulting group.
Sources used for kWh conversion factors and ratios:
ATEE and Primagaz.
Sources used for CO
emission factors: The ADEME
Carbon Footprint Database, BC V23.1, ADEME/AIE
and ecoinvent 3.9.1.
Identif ication of risks
The methodology used to identify and rate risks
(by probability, potential impact, etc.) was updated
in 2022 on the basis of the f indings of the stakeholder
consultation and the subsequent prioritisation of
challenges, with reference to the ISO 26000 standard
and our new materiality matrix.
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