Interesting younger
generations in agriculture
and its challenges
In Canada, Agriculture in the
Classroom is raising children’s
awareness of the importance of
agriculture! TIMAC AGRO Canada
supports this initiative by offering
fun activities, including using
sweets to make fertiliser.
Each sweet represents a
different macronutrient: nitrogen,
phosphorus or potassium. Whether
at trade events or out in the f ield,
children are remarkably enthusiastic
about experiments. TIMAC AGRO’s
local presence alongside producers
in many communities across
Canada provides the perfect
opportunity to communicate
the importance of agriculture to
children and contribute to their
education in this way.
Physical activity, cohesion
and solidarity: the winning
cocktail of the SquadEasy
In 2023, Phosphea took part in a In 2023, Phosphea took part in a
collaborative CSR challenge via the collaborative CSR challenge via the
SquadEasy teambuilding app, which SquadEasy teambuilding app, which
involved 196 employees competing involved 196 employees competing
as members of 26 international as members of 26 international
teams. The common goal was teams. The common goal was
to achieve a total distance of to achieve a total distance of
30,000 km by taking part in sporting 30,000 km by taking part in sporting
activities, taking part in quizzes on activities, taking part in quizzes on
health and sustainable development health and sustainable development
or completing tasks, such as car or completing tasks, such as car
sharing. Every point scored was sharing. Every point scored was
converted to kilometres and added converted to kilometres and added
to the total. By the end of the to the total. By the end of the
challenge, the target had been challenge, the target had been
comfortably exceeded, with almost comfortably exceeded, with almost
82,000 km covered. The mobile 82,000 km covered. The mobile
app then converts this distance app then converts this distance
into a f inancial donation to a charity into a f inancial donation to a charity
supported by Phosphea.supported by Phosphea.
Lever 2
Organising good corporate
citizenship and solidarity
A better tomorrow’s world for today’s children
On Nelson Mandela International Day, the team of
TIMAC AGRO South Africa visited The Doves Nest
Place of Safety children’s home. Hampers of snacks
and jackets warm enough to brave the winter cold
were distributed to all the residents as part of an
initiative greatly appreciated by everyone involved,
and one that is likely to be repeated going forward.
Reducing inequality, promoting inclusion and helping vulnerable areas and
populations: there is a very broad consensus across the Group regarding the value
of these actions and the importance of focusing on them. So much so, in fact, that
employees have no hesitation in getting personally involved to ensure the success
of the initiatives targeted.
Target for 2025: 100% of subsidiaries supporting
at least one non-prof it local initiative
The decentralised prof ile of the Group’s activities
creates the opportunity to implement good corporate
citizenship solidarity initiatives tailored to the specif ic
needs of individual communities, locations and
regions. So our subsidiary companies make a positive
contribution to regional life from Spain to Brazil, and
from Canada to South Africa. Their efforts help us to
make our contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) for reducing inequality and
creating sustainable towns and communities.
Raising awareness and building relationships
through waste collection
Organised or co-organised by employees for
employees, our Group and activity level waste
collection campaigns clearly demonstrate that
everyone has the opportunity to think global
and act local. To mark World Earth Day in April 2023,
the entire team of TIMAC AGRO Polska got together
in the Dąbrówka forest in Warsaw to help the local
community by collecting as much waste as they
could f ind. The event helped to raise participants’
awareness of environmental issues in a positive and
sociable atmosphere of sharing and networking.
Number of solidarity
and eco-responsibility
operations organised
33 Non-Financial Performance Statement 2023