Groupe Roullier

2021 Non-Financial Reporting Statement Groupe Roullier 2021 Non-Financial Reporting Statement Groupe Roullier Supporting Breton entrepreneurs As a business with very close affinities to Brittany, where our head office is still located, and a long history of entrepreneurship embedded in our DNA, we are keen to encourage initiative and the constant quest for development opportunities. We are therefore involved in a number of local initiatives designed to develop the region’s dynamic entrepreneurial culture; these include Produit en Bretagne, Bouge ta Boîte and Plato. Our subsidiary Pâtisseries Gourmandes has been an active member of the Produit en Bretagne (Made in Brittany) organisation of Breton companies since 2003. Its members work collectively to promote regional economic development in Brittany, protect jobs, promote the quality of the region’s goods and services, protect its the environment, and share the values of business ethics and intercompany solidarity. The Bouge ta Boîte initiative is a national network of women entrepreneurs who meet and interact locally to discuss their issues and help each other. As a sponsor company, we host the fortnightly working meetings of the Saint-Malo Circle at the Roullier Global Innovation Centre. We are neither a business club nor just another networking forum. The company executives who work with these entrepreneurs are humbled by their commitment to mutual assistance and solidarity. The only thing that counts in this context is the skills developed with hindsight and the desire to pass on your own experience, without prejudice or judgement. The aim isn’t to step into the entrepreneur’s shoes, but to facilitate interaction.“ Mathieu Delpuech , Group Chief Information Officer and Plato network member We have supported the Plato initiative since its creation in 2002. This economic solidarity initiative provides an interactive support and advice forum for senior managers and executives of major corporates, midsize companies, SMEs and VSEs using a sponsorship scheme. In the Ille-et-Vilaine department of Brittany, the network’s 24 executives and 180 entrepreneurs meet every month to discuss practical issues, such as using social media to gain new customers, key executive replacement in the event of health problems, setting up processes, managing priorities and chairing effective team meetings. Groupe Roullier supports the work of the network by regularly hosting these plenary meetings, helping to organise them, and giving our senior managers the opportunity to take time out of their working day to coordinate the network and support their protégés with management, organisational and transformational change issues. 4 new projects supported 1,226 visitors in 2021 S ince its launch in 2019, the Roullier Endowment Fund has extended and accelerated the process of developing initiatives that deliver its general interest mission to research, promote and encourage sustainable agriculture in France and internationally. It defines itself as a meeting and discussion hub and a channel providing support for researchers working on sustainable agriculture projects. CASE STUDY THE ROULLIER ENDOWMENT FUND: SUPPORTING RESEARCH AND WOKING WITH FARMERS An educational journey towards sustainable agriculture The primary route for delivering the public interest mission of the Roullier Endowment Fund is the Minerallium exhibition that showcases natural minerals and the essential role they play in Plant, Animal and therefore Human Nutrition. In 2021, more than 1,200 visitors discovered the challenges of mineral nutrition and sustainable agriculture. Officially opened in July 2021, the purpose of this unique exhibition space is to be as open as possible to the world of education, from secondary school students, to further education students and academics and researchers working in agronomy, biology and chemistry. The Minerallium will be open exclusively to the general public on 4 days in 2022. It is also a forum for interaction and discussion, with an annual programme of events, including conferences, workshop sessions and travelling photographic exhibitions. 63 62 COMMITTED TOGETHER FOR REGIONS AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTED TOGETHER FOR REGIONS AND COMMUNITIES