Groupe Roullier
APPENDICES APPENDICES Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier 78 * bulk carriers of between 10,000 and 35,000 tonnes 79 Concessions for the sustainable extraction of limestone sand off the north coast of Brittany (France) and siliceous sand in the atlantic ocean via Compagnie Armoricaine de Navigation. To continue research into limiting the effects of dredging on the marine environment and adapting successfully to local challenges. To guarantee the regulatory stability of our business by working with trade bodies. SERVICES SOLD Collection, shipping and unloading of raw materials (limestone or silica sand) and marine contracting (re-sanding of beaches and dredging). COMMERCIALISATION Marine calcium for Groupe Roullier, and silica sand for the construction industry. MARITIME ACTIVITIES 16 EMPLOYEES 1 VESSEL WITH A CAPACITY OF 1,200 M 3 4 CONCESSIONS IN FRANCE TAILORMADE INDUSTRIAL SHIPPING SOLUTIONS WITH LDA ROULLIER, A VENTURE BETWEEN GROUPE ROULLIER AND LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS › 4 handysize vessels* optimised for lower fuel consumption (new-generation engines, redesigned hulls and bulbous bow removed). › Registered in Malta. › Services sold: maritime transport of ores, agricultural products and timber. › Marketing: around twenty customers located mainly in New Caledonia, China and New Zealand. 24 members (58% women) representing all Group business lines and central services 4 meetings in 2020 47% of the business line representatives chair Local CSR Committees AT THE POINT WHERE OUR 9 BUSINESS LINES MEET OUR CENTRAL SERVICES... A CSR GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE THAT LEVERAGES COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE Our CSR Committee is the central point at which all our businesses and central services converge at Group level to manage and implement CSR policy in all our subsidiary companies in France and around the world. The complementary profiles of its members are one of its key strengths, because that complementarity brings greater depth to discussions, generates new ideas and promotes the sharing of best practices. Its organisational structure effectively promotes cohesion between subsidiary companies as a result of working closely together to achieve a shared vision of long-term progress. This vision is fully consistent with our corporate plan and has its roots in our 3 Group-wide core commitments, which provide direction for our CSR policy and to all the global and local initiatives implemented by our employees. The missions and challenges of the business line CSR representatives The members of the Committee - also known as business line CSR representatives - play a key role in defining CSR principles and their effective implementation. As such, they are the prime movers of this global and positive dynamic. “ THE CSR COMMITTEE PROVIDES A SINGLE DISCUSSION FORUM FOR ALL GROUP SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES. ITS COLLECTIVE ENERGY ALLOWS US AS REPRESENTATIVES TO MAKE CSR A REALITY IN OUR INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES. ” Anaïs Guérin, CSR Committee Member Their core missions are: • To contribute to defining the challenges, actions and indicators of the Group CSR strategy • To build, implement and measure Group and business line action plans • To assist in the collection of annual data for the Declaration of Non-Financial Performance • To lead CSR within their scope of responsibility (setting up local CSR Committees & topic-specific working groups, awareness initiatives, promoting previously implemented initiatives, training, etc.) • To integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their business line action plans • To ensure consideration of stakeholders’ expectations and contribute to updating the materiality matrix OUR SUBSIDIARY OUR GOALS AND OUTLOOK
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