Groupe Roullier

65 Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT 64 Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT O ur recently launched Endowment Fund is one of the most significant of these initiatives. It brings a completely new dimension to our commitment by making a practical contribution to rebuilding the relationship between farmers and society. Opening our doors to stakeholders As part of building strong relationships with local communities in our operating locations and encouraging AS PART OF STEPPING UP OUR INVOLVEMENT WITH LOCAL COMMUNITIES, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING INITIATIVES AT GROUP AND SUBSIDIARY LEVEL TO BECOME MORE OPEN, MORE SHARING AND MORE SOCIALLY SUPPORTIVE. #3 BUILDING NEW CHANNELS FOR DIALOGUE AND COMMUNITY ACTION communication and transparency around our business activities, we have been offering guided tours of our production facilities in France and abroad for many years. This commitment was given a more formal structure in 2018 with the introduction of the “Entrez c’est ouvert” (Come in - we’re open) programme of tours for the general public. Local residents were invited into our normally secure facilities for a one-hour behind-the- scenes introduction of our factories to experience the passion of our employees, the work they do and their expertise. It is clear that the initiative has slowed considerably during the COVID-19 crisis, but our commitment to opening our doors to visitors remains as strong as ever. During the year, our Spanish subsidiary Magnesitas Navarras embraced the principle by using digital technology to open its Eugi mine to stakeholders as part of its 75 th anniversary celebrations. This technology-based solution allowed visitors to the company’s website to view a 360° interactive map of the mine and take a virtual guided tour around it. Proud of its geographic heritage, it has also formed a major cultural partnership to mark the centenary of the Spanish section of the Camino de Santiago pilgrims’ way or Way of St. James. 62 production plant visits made by external visitors* * Indicator strongly impacted this year by the health crisis An endowment fund to research, publicise and promote sustainable agriculture Since its launch in 2019, the Roullier Endowment Fund has been working on its goals of researching and facilitating sustainable agriculture in France and around the world. It contributes to this public interest mission in two ways: via its Minerallium exhibition that showcases natural minerals and the essential role they play in Plant, Animal and therefore Human Nutrition, and by supporting corporate sponsorship projects. In 2020, around 500 people were introduced to this permanent exhibition by the Endowment Fund, the majority being Group employees and their families, but also students and farmers. In parallel with the exhibition, it focused on developing its second mission through involvement with research organisations that work with farmers on a daily basis. From among these organisations, the Fund has chosen to support the work of a non- profit research organisation in southern Brazil. Its PISA initiative measures the economic, social and societal impacts of providing small-scale dairy farmers with advice on changing their practices to embrace agronomic principles and nature-based solutions. In France, it supported the Mutations Agricoles (Transformational Change in Agriculture) research chair at the ESA agricultural graduate school in Angers (France) to supervise experimental trials conducted by farmers in Brittany. The project puts an economic value on the benefits to the community of sustainable natural resource (water, soil, biodiversity) management by farmers as the basis for increasing farm incomes. Other international projects are already under consideration for 2021, including a first initiative in Africa. Combatting food waste Over and above our commitment to work closely with local communities on combatting food waste, we donated around 574 tonnes of food to a range of charities during 2020. As a Group directly involved in the food chain, our businesses are naturally engaged with this issue. The contributions made by TIMAC AGRO include donations of vegetables grown for projects run to demonstrate fertiliser solutions. So, for example, TIMAC AGRO Polska donated more than 3.5 tonnes of vegetables to social action centres and child welfare centres in 2020. For our Food Industry businesses, combatting waste is a continual daily challenge in terms of limiting losses from production lines, and ensuring that when problems do occur, any surplus food is used to benefit as many people as possible through donations to sports clubs, music clubs and schools, but primarily to food charities such as the French ones Anti Gaspi, Emmaüs, Les Restos du Cœur and Secours Populaire. They may not be as closely involved, but our other businesses also address this universal issue through contributions to local food banks, thereby combining their commitment to solidarity with the need to reduce waste. 500 visitors of the Endowment Fund in 2020 and 3 projects supported 119 non-profit organisations supported 574 tonnes of food donated 29 participation in external working groups on a theme related to sustainable development * * Indicator strongly impacted this year by the health crisis