Groupe Roullier

63 Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT 62 A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier ZOOM #2 PHOSPHEA AID FOR REFUGEES FROM MYANMAR In May 2020, Phosphea’s South-East Asian teams based in Kuala Lumpur worked to deliver aid for refugees in collaboration with “Greater Action”. This charity works to provide education and improve the living conditions of marginalised and refugee communities in Malaysia. These communities have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis, which is why “Greater Action” made an emergency appeal for donations. Reflecting its values of corporate responsibility and team spirit, Phosphea’s response underlined its commitment to the region with donations of medicines and food to help a community of Falam-Chin refugees from Myanmar. ZOOM #3 THE TIMAC AGRO ROMANIA STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP PROJECT TIMAC AGRO Romania has launched a community action project to promote and facilitate inclusion and access to further education for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The initiative was born out of the truth that too many children from disadvantaged backgrounds simply cannot afford to go to university. This scholarship offers an opportunity for some to achieve their career goals. TIMAC AGRO Romania is already supporting its second student, whose scholarship is enabling him to continue with his studies at an agricultural university. The first student to benefit from the programme has since been employed by TIMAC AGRO Romania as a field sales representative. ZOOM #1 PÂTISSERIES GOURMANDES AND ITS ROLE IN THE RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ‘MADE IN BRITTANY’ LABEL Pâtisseries Gourmandes is a member of the non- profit ‘Made in Brittany’ (Produit en Bretagne) association whose members work together to promote the reach of the Brittany region (France), preserve jobs, promote quality and protect the environment, and applying our values of business ethics and solidarity. With all five of its production facilities in Brittany, Pâtisseries Gourmandes has a natural synergy with these principles, and wants to extend its contribution to help boost the regional economy. At the labelling scheme’s annual general meeting, discussion centred around the commitment of Brittany production and the need to implement a full CSR policy. A working group, including Pâtisseries Gourmandes, was then set up to review the ‘Made in Brittany’ brand platform and enable full integration of this new CSR commitment. Eventually, all members will have to introduce a process of continuous improvement ensuring compliance with the ISO 26000 standard.