Groupe Roullier
A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier Extra-Financial Performance Report 2020 Groupe Roullier A GROUP WITH REAL COMMITMENT 49 48 AS PART OF MAKING OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROCESS OF TRANSITIONING TO MORE SUSTAINABLE PATTERNS OF CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, AS WELL AS DELIVERING THE UN AGENDA 2030, WE ALSO LOOK TO OUR SUPPLIERS AND PARTNERS TO IDENTIFY, TOGETHER, SOLUTIONS TO OUR COMMON CHALLENGES. C ollaborating closely and taking our mutual trust to new levels are both key to expanding and extending our corporate responsibility commitments. Since 2018, we have introduced many more training and information sessions as part of the rollout for our Ethics & Compliance Policy, which is designed to secure our business relationships and combat corruption, and by introducing our first Responsible Purchasing Policy. Our Ethics & Compliance Policy Following the introduction of our Ethics & Compliance Policy throughout the Group in 2018, we are continuing with the rollout of our third-party assessment platform (the Roullier Compliance Platform) in France and internationally. This mechanism covers Group customers, suppliers and intermediaries, and allows us to manage and prevent corruption- related risks in accordance with the Sapin 2 Act (France) and check that none of our stakeholders are the subject of international sanctions. From its design developed through a series of multidisciplinary workshops, to its implementation, launch and integration into our various management software packages, the process has taken 20 months and involved more than 20 employees. The platform is now in place within all our French companies, and constitutes a key step in securing relationships between the Group and its partners. A special Group-level procedure has also been introduced to validate business intermediaries before we enter into any contractual relationship with them. Alongside all these initiatives, the projects we launched in 2019 continued during 2020: employee awareness and training campaigns, accounting controls and the addition of new standards, including guidelines for accepting gifts and invitations, and an internal investigations manual, which is now being prepared for publication in 2021. Rollout of the Group’s internal whistleblowing platform continues in our international companies, with adaptations being made where necessary to comply with local regulatory constraints and requirements. This mechanism is now fully implemented in Italy. Our Responsible Purchasing Policy With impetus provided by the Group CSR and Ethics & Compliance policies, our Purchasing Department has also taken the decision to integrate sustainability principles into its long- term strategy. Following on from the initial 2019 Responsible Purchasing awareness and training package rolled out to the entire French Purchasing community (Group and subsidiary companies), 2020 took this initiative into a new phase: formalisation of a Responsible Purchasing Policy. Following a successful appeal for volunteers from the Purchasing community, the Department put together a dedicated working group of 6 buyers representing all Group business lines. They were set three goals: to work together on co- constructing a Responsible Purchasing policy, define and implement indicators to measure the impact of our policy, and share good practices. The policy is based on, and structured around, the Sustainable Development Goals so that suppliers can also focus on our shared interests and goals. As a cornerstone of commitment for all our buyers, the policy is designed to unite the entire purchasing community around shared core values and be disseminated internally and externally, first in France before being rolled out internationally. Once fully in place, every buyer will have the opportunity to contribute their best practices to the community as part of helping to build the skills of all their peers throughout the Group. 93% of French buyers have now received responsible purchasing awareness information and training 6 buyers make up the working group 10 commitments are contained in the Responsible Purchasing Policy 336 users trained in the Roullier Compliance Platform The Roullier Compliance Platform is very much the cornerstone of the Ethics & Compliance Policy, and highlights how importantly and seriously we take these issues in guaranteeing the security of our Group and further building on the trust-based relationships we have with our partners around the world.“ Jory Lacaze, Group Ethics & Compliance Manager and Chairman of the Ethics & Compliance Committee #3 ETHICAL AND SUSTAINABLE PURCHASING
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