This, our fifth Non-Financial Performance Statement, details all the environmental, social and societal initiatives implemented by our Group companies during the year. It provides a valuable resource for measuring and promoting our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategy, and marks the culmination of six months of collaborative work. Thank you to all those who contributed direct or indirectly to this year’s report!
This new report highlights the extension of our ongoing CSR commitment, with particular emphasis on the updating of our materiality matrix, the key tool we use to structure and prioritise our initiatives. This new matrix has been developed out of an unprecedentedly broad consultation with stakeholders. 2022 also saw the definition of our first carbon emissions reduction trajectory, which will further accelerate implementation of our sustainability strategy. This trajectory commits all our businesses to take action together in response to the climate emergency.
This new Non-Financial Performance Statement also gives us the opportunity to introduce some of our in-house training programmes, including the Plasti’classes, AIM Program and Mercocampus. These unique bespoke programmes have been designed by employees for employees to optimise skills transfer. To ensure that each of you has the opportunity to develop professionally and personally, your training and health and safety are – of course – priority issues at Group level.
2023 will be the year in which we launch our new CSR strategy. The end result of an unprecedented co-construction process involving our shareholders, the Group executive management team, individual business management teams and wide-ranging stakeholder consultation, it perfectly delivers the strategic impetus we wanted to put behind our CSR commitment. All of which effectively ensures the continuity of our combined efforts to explore and succeed in our challenges: Exploring together, improving tomorrow!